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Elite Dance by Damian Policies

Dress Code


Creative Movement and Tiny Tots can wear any style and color dance clothing from leotard and tights to shorts and top as long as it is form fitted and purchased from a dance supplier.

Levels 2, 3, and 4 can wear any style and color dance clothing. Leotard and tights or boy shorts and dance bra. Tap and Hip Hop classes can wear sweat pants.

Company 1 can wear any style and color dance clothing as long as it is purchased from a dance supplier and is form fitting.

Company 2, 3, 4, and 5 are Required to wear black leotard and pink tights for all ballet and pointe classes. Black boy shorts and dance bra top or dance cami top for all other technical classes. Sweat pants are permitted for Tap and Hip Hop. Choreography/Rehearsals students can wear any style/color dance clothing.


Creative Movement / Tiny Tots Combo - pink ballet shows and black patent leather tap shoes

Levels 2, 3, and 4 - Pink split sole leather ballet shoes, black bloch split sole tap shoes, and foot thong/paw for jazz and lyrical. Hip Hop classes are encouraged to purchase hip hop shoes or tennis shoes that are to be worn for class only. No street shoes permitted on dance floors.

Company students must have pink split sole ballet shoes, foot thongs/paws, and tap shoes for all technical classes. Specific shoes will be required for competition.

Hair / Jewelry

Academy students should have hair pulled away from face in either pony tail or bun for ballet, jazz, acro/tumbling. Hair can be down for tap and hip hop classes only.

Company students must have their hair in a bun for all ballet and point classes and either pony tail or bun for all other technical classes.

No rings, large earrings, necklaces, bracelets permitted.

Conduct / Restrictions

No Food permitted in any studio rooms. Water will be the only drink permitted in the studio rooms.
Students should clean up after themselves in waiting area and discard any food items or beverages.

Any damages to the studio, sound equipment, bathrooms, waiting area, etc. caused by a student will be assessed a fee.

Students are to be respectful to all instructors and students. Misbehavior will not be tolerated.

Studio Rules / Policies can be found throughout the studio.


Cancellations due to Weather will be posted on the website announcements page as well as Facebook.

There are no make up classes for canceled classes due to weather. There are no tuition discounts due to cancellations. Students are encouraged to make up the missed cases by attending another day/level. Please check with office manager concerning which day/level to make up missed classes.

Private lessons missed due to weather will be made up.

If an instructor is unable to attend for any reason a substitute will be provided. Private lessons may have a substitute provided or may be offered a make up lesson.

Questions or Concerns

For questions / concerns that require immediate attention please E-mail DancebyDamian@aol.com

For payment related questions / concerns please see the office manager. Office manager hours are Monday - Thursday 4:30 - 9:00 pm

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Cranberry Township, PA 16066
Elite Dance by Damian
Copyright 2014     All Rights Reserved
Warrendale, Pennsylvania